Student Population

College Adapted Services are responsible for providing students with disabilities with the accommodations and services that palliate their disabilities, impairments, and the challenges they face, and for providing college staff with the conditions to support these students.

At College, We Know How to Adapt

You have finally arrived at the next step: post-secondary education. Knowing some of the points of reference and the support available to ease the transition and understand the college environment could help make this journey easier. According to Antidote, transition means “the process of changing from one state or condition to another.” In the world of education, it is not so much a question of changing from one state or condition to another, but rather of changing from one environment to another. 

First Step Towards College

Whether you are in your late teens, are a young adult or even a mature adult, the choice you make among the various paths to pursue will likely be a defining moment in your life.

Studies conducted in recent years have shown that regardless of a person’s needs, whether they are moving into the career and vocational sector, into post-secondary education, into adult education, or into the labour market, they require the same conditions for a smooth transition: autonomy, quality relationships, and collaboration.

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Trois étudiants, deux filles et un garçon, discutent ensemble et regardent quelque chose sur une tablette. Derrière un garçon et une fille discutent ensemble Photo.

The Right Services for You

Each college has a service that welcomes students with disabilities or limitations and provides them with specialized support so that they have the same opportunities to succeed as other students.

It is important to specify that only the SWD can decide to enrol in Adapted Services.

This service could be called different things, including Service d’aide à l’intégration des étudiants et étudiantes (SAIDE), Adapted Services, or Learning Centre.

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Un jeune homme portant un implant cochléaire discute avec son intervenante. Une interprète gestuelle interprète les propos en langue des signes. Photo.

Next Transition — University or the Job Market

Your college studies will soon come to an end. It’s time to think about the next step: university or the labour market, depending on the studies completed. 

How can you make this next transition?

To university studies To the labour market
Six personnes qui semblent être des étudiants marchent dans des corridors avec des sacs à dos ou des sacs en bandoulières. Photo.

Continuing Education

A path to Continuing Education also provides in-study support services for adults with disabilities or limitations so that they have the same opportunity to succeed as other students.

To make arrangements, you must contact Adapted Services.

I’m interested
Cinq personnes adultes d’âges différents, discutent autour d’une table. Ils ont en main des documents papier et des tablettes devant eux. Photo.

CCSI Services for SWDs

The CCSI provides specialized services that have been determined through a needs analysis conducted by Adapted Services. However, they do not provide consulting services to the student population or to parents. 

If you have any questions about the reception and support offered to SWDs, contact your college’s Adapted Services directly.

Dans le coin droit de la photo plusieurs bras s’avancent pour poser la main les unes sur les autres. Photo.

The following are examples of determined people who persevered and maximized their chances of success by working with the Adapted Services team. For some people, the college route may be different, but not impossible.

For inspiration

In this section you will find a library of tools that provide information on best academic practices.

For more tools