Services for Universities
Live speech to text transcription as well as Quebec Sign Language (LSQ) and American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation services are available through agreements at several universities.
For Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (SDHH)
Through agreements with universities, CEGEP Vieux Montréal, in collaboration with the CCSI west, provides specialized services such as the following for the deaf and hard of hearing student population
- synchronous or asynchronous interpreting both in signed languages [(Quebec Sign Language (LSQ), American Sign Language (ASL)] and with oral transliteration;
- speech to text transcription of courses attended by SDHH, live or offline, in French or English;
- interpretation and transcription of courses or events intended to be accessible to the general public.
These services can be offered both in person and remotely. If you work at a university and would like to know more about service agreements, please contact us.
Credit: Sarah Latulippe