Centres collégiaux de soutien à l’intégration (CCSI)
Welcome to the website of Quebec’s Centres collégiaux de soutien à l’intégration — the CCSI de l’Ouest (CCSI west) and the CCSI de l’Est (CCSI east). Here you will find information on the resources available in public and private subsidized colleges to support the success of students with disabilities (SWDs).
Role of the CCSIs
The CCSIs are mandated to support each of the Cegeps and subsidized private colleges providing special needs services without, however, providing direct services to SWDs.
Through the Cégep de Sainte-Foy and the Cégep du Vieux Montréal, the CCSIs are mandated to support the development of the autonomy of the institutions of the public and subsidized private college network and the harmonization of their practices in welcoming SWDs, and in the organization and delivery of services for SWDs in order to promote the academic integration, perseverance, and success of this student population.

College Network Services
Given the significant increase in the presence of SWDs in colleges and the diverse needs that must be met in order for them to succeed academically, the CCSIs provide a consulting service to institutions. They also collaborate in the organization of various activities and make available tools to support the academic integration of this student population.
They also manage and administer certain specialized services.
Credit: Sarah Latulippe
University Network Services
Live speech to text transcription as well as Quebec Sign Language (LSQ) and American Sign Language (ASL) interpreting services are available through agreements at several universities.
For details about this service
Credit: Sarah Latulippe
Put Your Talent to Work at a CCSI
Are you interested in a career in interpreting or live speech to text transcription?
Here are some reasons for joining our team:
- To work in a stimulating environment where there is a strong sense of belonging;
- For the diversity of communication modes that the college environment offers;
- To actively contribute to the integration of deaf and hard of hearing students in their college.