Services for Colleges
In some situations, students with disabilities (SWDs) require services to meet specific needs. In these situations, their college calls on the CCSIs, which are mandated by the Ministry to support the colleges and offer certain specialized services.
Advisory Services
Each college’s Adapted Services have various teams that work with the student population.
Adapted Services workers sometimes seek information about the choices of accommodations and the rules to follow in terms of inclusion, integration, and equity.
The CCSIs can help them in their research and in the implementation of services adapted to the needs of their clientele.

Specialized Services
Adaptation of Documents
The alternate format services offered by the CCSIs produce accessible materials for the college student population with disabilities. They enable SDHH to access course materials in a format that works for them, such as an electronic text file, an accessible PDF, a braille file, or an audio file.
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Adapted Tutoring
Adapted tutoring services for literature courses are available for the deaf or hard of hearing student population. They provide additional assistance to those SWDs who need it to attain the competencies required for each course and to maintain an acceptable level of written French. Tutoring supports SWDs in passing literature courses and the épreuve uniforme de français.
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Closed Captioning
As part of its alternate format production services for SWDs in the college network, the CCSIs provide unilingual offline closed captioning and speech to text transcription services for audiovisual materials.
This service is available to SWDs enrolled in courses where video or audio is used to deliver content for in-person or remote courses.
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Courses for Students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing (SDHH)
It is possible for SDHH to enrol in reserved courses that are held in small groups. These reserved groups reflect the unique realities of this student population.
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Described Video
Video description enables the visually impaired student population to more easily access films, documentaries, and videos presented in class. This service can either take the form of an adapted video or be carried out by a person providing educational support.
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The CCSIs provide interpreting services in several modes of communication, depending on the needs of the SDHH. A person may choose more than one mode of communication during their college education if they wish.
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Live Speech to Text Transcription
The live speech to text transcription service consists of simultaneously creating, in written form, a transcript of the course attended by an SWD who, due to their deafness, cannot access the audio content of the course. This transcript is available on computer media, so this service is offered remotely.
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Mobile Fleet
The Mobile Fleet is a provincial fleet of specialized equipment set up to meet the specific needs of SWDs. Under certain conditions, the required equipment is purchased and loaned to colleges that request it. This can include, for example, digital magnifiers (CCTV), adapted chairs, patient lifts, and adjustable tables.
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